As INSA schools are publicly-funded, the French government covers most of the tuition costs.  

French as Foreign language

All INSA schools have dedicated language centers. On top of 10 languages, French as a Foreign language (FLE) is taught by professional teams. Summer schools and semester courses are  available  for  international  students  and  are strongly  recommended  even  when  they choose courses taught in English.




Bienvenue en France

To ensure the best hospitality for incoming students, the INSA schhols follow a continuous improvement process through the French initiative “Bienvenue en France/ Welcome to France” to which all INSA institutions aim to apply.


Campus life

The INSA Group has over 7 200 halls of residence on campus and priority is given to international students. On-campus accommodation is part of the INSA educational model to enrich student life.

Vibrant campus life:

  • 320 clubs and student associations
  • Libraries, sports facilities, catering services.
  • Cultural exhibits

Dedicated teams in international offices and teaching departments  ensure your successful integration and enjoyable stay.